VEGAN Education
VRG had an outreach booth at the annual meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Washington, DC. We were able to place Vegetarian Journals into the hands of 1,000 dietitians. VRG Nutrition Advisors Reed Mangels, PhD, RD; Cathy Conway MS, RD; and Eric Sharer MS, RD, helped answer a wide range of questions from long-time dietitians to students just entering the profession.

Reed Mangels submitted VRG's comments to the Food and Drug Administration concerning their request for information on labeling plant-based products with names that include the names of dairy foods, such as "milk," "yogurt," and "cheese."

Karen Peissinger coordinated a VRG booth at the Buffalo Vegan Pop-Up Market. Pamphlets regarding pregnancy/childhood and teenage vegan nutrition were very popular, as were the coloring books and Vegan in a Nutshell printouts. At the end of the market, the remaining coloring books, and various print-outs and pamphlets were given to the Vegan Grocery Store located in North Tonawanda. One of the owners expressed great appreciation for these resources as they educate customers who are curious about or starting their vegan journey.

Upcoming VRG Vegan Dinner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Vegetarian Resource Group's annual vegan dinner for dietitians, VRG members, and the public will be held on Sunday, October 27, 2019, 6 p.m., at Su Xing in Philadelphia, PA. Pre-payment is required. Call the VRG office at (410) 366-8343.