From The VRG Blog
Cierra Peterlin, University of Maryland Dietetic Intern, shares ideas for zero-waste meals and snacks featuring creative ways to use what you have to reduce food waste (Panzanella photo below). See:

California Governor Gavin Newsom's 2022-2023 budget features funding for plant-based school meals in public elementary and secondary schools. See:

The Vegetarian Resource Group submitted testimony about the scientific questions that will inform the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2025-2030. See:

Check out The Vegetarian Resource Group's Online Guide to Veg Restaurants in the USA and Canada

Despite the pandemic, supply chain issues, and rising economic costs, more and more vegan restaurants are opening throughout the USA and Canada! VRG's online restaurant guide offers diners a chance to enjoy a wide variety of vegan cuisine. You'll find vegan Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Thai, and other ethnic restaurants. Also dine at vegan bakeries, bars, burger joints, coffeehouses, delis, donut shops, food trucks, ice cream shops, juice bars, pizzerias, and more. Visit: