Notes from The VRG Scientific Department in the News

The Vegetarian Resource Group Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, did an interview on Arirang TV, an English-language broadcasting station in South Korea, on vegetarian diets. She also authored the Guide on How to Go Vegetarian or Vegan in Psyche (digital magazine).

The Vegetarian Resource Group poll numbers were cited in The Hill, a political news publication, which is read by The White House, Congress, and others. See:

Vegan Education

The Vegetarian Resource Group Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, did a presentation to Maryland Dietitians in Health Care Communities on Offering Plant-Based and Vegan Options: Why It Makes Sense and How to Do It.

Because of an article one of our interns wrote for the VRG blog, a food investor contacted the business the intern reviewed.