The VRG's 2022 Video
Contest Winners

The Truth About Factory Farming
by Esther Wilson

Initially, I became vegan because of the environmental impact it would have. However, as I became more educated, I learned about animal ethics and the devastating things that happen in factory farming. For me, that became just as important as the environmental aspects of veganism because no sentient being deserves to suffer, especially if humans are intentionally bringing about that suffering.


Vegan Cooking Video
by Makani Ross

Ever since I was a child, I have been intrigued with the vegetarian lifestyle. Not only does this plant-based diet bring a multitude of health benefits, but it also is a more sustainable option. Vegetarian diets have the greatest reduction of land use and greenhouse gas emissions. Fishing, land use, and water usage to grow crops can all be decreased when more people consider a vegetarian diet. The fact that a simple shift in diet can not only improve human health, but also improve our earth is an amazing reason to consider vegetarianism.


My Vegetarian Journey
by Nasya Bellard

I, as a 16 year-old girl who utilized vegetarianism to meet some of her established goals in life, consider teaching and educating others on the true identity of vegetarianism one of my passions. The vegetarian lifestyle has helped me significantly in so many ways, and I consider it my duty to help others towards this lifestyle that has helped me.


Why Being Vegan is Great
by Naomi Becks

I am interested in vegetarianism because it allows you to step outside your comfortable zone, and it provides many benefits to your health.


Brocco Lee: The Vegetarian Superhero
by Tithi Mehta

Here, I become "Brocco Lee" and show the power of vegetarianism. I have been a vegetarian my whole life, but last year I realized the biggest advantage vegetarians have: we can grow our own food! I started growing food and have been actively involved in sharing my passion. The benefits of vegetarianism exist not only for the animals that you save but also for you—from eating cleaner and saving money to getting to bond with your family while gardening.


Video scholarships have been given in honor of W.M. Zahn, who was a great mentor.
View winners of the video contest at
The deadline for the next VRG video contest is July 15, 2023.