For Immediate Release June 1, 2013
Contacts: John Cunningham (410)-366-8343
Sonja Helman:

California Student Wins $5,000 Vegetarian Scholarship

The Vegetarian Resource Group is proud to present Greta Lorenz with a
$5,000 college scholarship for her exceptional vegan activism on behalf
of animals and the environment. After viewing the film "Peaceable
Kingdom" Greta decided to go vegan for ethical reasons. Since then she
has been such an incredible advocate that she was nicknamed "Vegan" in
high school. By her senior year of high school Greta has already had an
incredible positive impact in her local community. She is a passionate
and kindhearted vegan activist, encouraging "kindness on the plate" and
leading by example.

For several years Greta has been volunteering with H.O.P.E. and the
Downtown Women's Shelter. She has dedicated countless hours of her
life doing community service and cooking healthy meals for her local
homeless community. Some of her favorite dishes to serve at the
shelters include baked cauliflower with soy cheese and mashed potatoes
with vegan butter. At the annual Veggie Parade, Greta has recruited
her friends to march with her as she dons a carrot costume. In
addition, she petitioned enthusiastically for the Farm Animal
Confinement Act in California. Just as she was entering high school,
Greta was awarded an Environmental Stewardship grant for her research
regarding the ecological impact of animal agriculture, which she
presented to her student body. Following the award, she was asked to
be her school's representative in the U.S. Green Schools Fellows

In addition to her work with the homeless in Los Angeles, Greta has
spent some time in southern India where she worked at an Ashram
cooking healthy vegetarian meals for large numbers of people. Through
this experience she has learned various new recipes and how to prepare
delicious vegan and vegetarian food in less than perfect conditions.
She shares her knowledge of vegan cooking with her friends and family.
She has taught many of her friends how to cook vegan and due to her
positive influence, her parents adopted vegan lifestyles.

Greta has demonstrated a deep sense of compassion and responsibility
in her community involvement and vegan advocacy. She has every
intention of continuing her vegan outreach throughout her college
years at the University of California, Los Angeles and beyond. It is
clear that she is going to make the world a better place.

The Vegetarian Resource Group is a national non-profit organization
dedicated to educating the public about vegetarianism. VRG publishes
the quarterly Vegetarian Journal, and also offers a book called Simply
Vegan by Debra Wasserman and Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D. Simply Vegan
contains over 160  recipes that can be prepared quickly. It also
includes meal plans for vegans and an extensive vegan nutrition
section. To order the newly released 5th edition, send $16 to The
Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203, go to 
[ ], or call (410) 366-8343 Monday to
Friday 9AM to 5PM.

VRG sponsors two annual $5,000 scholarships for graduating high school
seniors who have promoted vegetarianism in their communities. Next
year's deadline is February 20, 2014. For more information on the
scholarship, visit [ ].

A vegetarian does not eat meat, fish, or fowl. A vegan is a vegetarian
who does not use other animal products such as eggs and dairy. For more
information on starting a vegetarian diet, visit The Vegetarian Resource
Group at [ ] or write to The Vegetarian Resource
Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.