Index to Articles
2010 Dietary Guidelines
- VRG Testifies for the 2010 Dietary Guidelines (Aug 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: Acne and Diet (Aug 2008)
- Nutrition Hotline: Vegan Diet and Acne (May 2021)
African-Americans Health
- Nutrition Hotline: What kind of calcium is best absorbed from soymilk? Is carrageenan dangerous? Do African-American vegetarians live longer than their meat-eating counterparts?
American Academy of Nutrition (Formerly American Dietetic Association)
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Co-Founder Lenna Frances Cooper (Aug 2018)
- Resources from the ADA (Mar 94)
- Nutrition Hotline: Anemia in Runners (Feb 2022)
- Nutrition Hotline: Could I Really Be Anemic? And How Much Caffeine is in Chocolate? (Nov 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: Pregnant and Anemia (Aug 2020)
- Nutrition Hotline: Concussions and Veggie Diets (May 2019)
- The Vegan Teen Athlete (Feb 2010)
- Avoiding the Baby Food Trap (May 97)
- Nutrition Hotline: Should Infants and Toddlers be Put on a Lowfat Diet? (Feb 2016)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy Formula and Labeling Issues Effecting Vegetarians (Sept 1993)
- Nutrition Hotline: Reducing the Risk of Allergy to Peanuts for Babies (Nov 2019)
- Nutrition Hotline: When to Start Babies on Solid Food (Aug 2021)
- Vegan Pregnancy (Jan 97)
- Nutrition Hotline: Does it matter if beans are cooked or canned? And what's the story with soy? (Aug 2003)
- Nutrition Hotline: How can eating more black beans benefit your health? (Nov 2004)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soaking Legumes (Feb 2017)
- Nutrition Hotline: What are Beans, Legumes, and Pulses? (Nov 2022)
- Nutrition Hotline: About beta-carotene and Vitamin E (Jan 95)
BSE/Mad Cow Disease
- Nutrition Hotline: Mad Cow Disease and Calcium Sources if Lactose Intolerant (Sept 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Can BSE, or mad cow disease, be transmitted to humans through dairy products? (Nov 2001)
Blood Type
- Nutrition Hotline: Blood Type and Vegetarianism (May 99)
Bone Health
- Nutrition Hotline: Digestive Enzyme Development When on Veggie Diet; Do Soybeans Contain Phytates?; Does Increase Animal Protein Intake Lead to More Bone Fractures? (Sept 2000)
Caffeine in Chocolate
- Nutrition Hotline: Could I Really Be Anemic? And How Much Caffeine is in Chocolate? (Nov 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: Good Sources of Calcium (Jan 1993)
- Nutrition Hotline: Calcium Content in Tahini (Jul 96)
- Nutrition Hotline: Calcium in Cooked Broccoli (Jul 98)
- Nutrition Hotline: Do Vegetarians Menstruate Later?; Why does the Calcium Content of Foods Vary? (July 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: Mad Cow Disease and Calcium Sources if Lactose Intolerant (Sept 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: How can I cut down on my spending when I buy soymilk? Is the calcium in fruit juices vegan? What can vegans do to lower their cholesterol?
- Nutrition Hotline: What kind of calcium is best absorbed from soymilk? Is carrageenan dangerous? Do African-American vegetarians live longer than their meat-eating counterparts?
- Nutrition Hotline: Number of Children That Are Vegetarian; Calcium in Greens; Lysine and Arginine and Herpes (Aug 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: Calcium Content of Popular Indian Vegetarian Dishes and Ingredients (Nov 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: What other nutrients are in high-calcium veggie foods? (Feb 2012)
- Nutrition Hotline: Calcium Supplements (Feb 2015)
- Latin American Food High in Calcium (May 2021)
- Best Latin American Websites with Calcium Information (Feb 2022)
- Selecting Menus for Vegan Cancer Patients (Aug 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy and Breast Cancer (Nov 2017)
- Nutrition Hotline: What kind of calcium is best absorbed from soymilk? Is carrageenan dangerous? Do African-American vegetarians live longer than their meat-eating counterparts?
Chia Seeds
- Nutrition Hotline: Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seeds; Is Gaining Weight on a Vegan Diet Normal?; Indian Breads with No Dairy Products (May 2011)
- Avoiding the Baby Food Trap (May 97)
- Raising Vegan Children (Sept 97)
- Nutrition Hotline: The relationship between soy products and menopause, and feeding vegan snacks to a class of preschoolers (Jan 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Eating too Fast; Hungry Children (Feb 2003)
- Nutrition Hotline: Feeding Veggie Kids (Aug 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: Number of Children That Are Vegetarian; Calcium in Greens; Lysine and Arginine and Herpes (Aug 2009)
- The Vegan Teen Athlete (Feb 2010)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soyfoods and Young Children; How to Gain Weight on Vegan Diet; Sugar in Foods (Feb 2011)
- Nutrition Hotline: Ways to Get Toddlers to Eat Vegetables (Feb 2014)
- Nutrition Hotline: Should Infants and Toddlers be Put on a Lowfat Diet? (Feb 2016)
- Nutfree Snacks for Kids (Aug 2023)
- Protein for Vegan Children (Nov 2024)
- Diet and Cholesterol (Mar 94)
- Nutrition Hotline: How Much Cholesterol Do I Need?; Parkinson's Disease and Veggie Diets (May 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Cholesterol in Plants? (Aug 2021)
- Nutrition Hotline: How can I cut down on my spending when I buy soymilk? Is the calcium in fruit juices vegan? What can vegans do to lower their cholesterol? (Feb 2006)
- Nutrition Hotline: Lowering LDL Cholesterol (Feb 2023)
- Nutrition Hotline: Choline (Feb 2024)
Coconut Oil
- Nutrition Hotline: Is Coconut Oil Good for You? (Nov 2016)
Concussions and Veggie Diet
- Nutrition Hotline: Concussions and Veggie Diets (May 2019)
- Nutrition Hotline: Covid Risk and Veganism (May 2023)
Day Care Center Meals
- Nutrition Hotline: Learn about government-sanctioned protein choices for day care center meals.
Dental Health
- Nutrition Hotline: Conduct your own nutritional analyses, learn if vegetarians are more prone to eating disorders, and put dental health worries to rest.
- Vegan Menu for People with Diabetes: Nancy Berkoff, RD, explains the basics and provides a week's worth of menu ideas.
Digestive Enzymes
- Nutrition Hotline: Digestive Enzyme Development When on Veggie Diet; Do Soybeans Contain Phytates?; Does Increase Animal Protein Intake Lead to More Bone Fractures? (Sept 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: Diverticulosis and Vegan Diet (Aug 2011)
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
- Nutrition Hotline: Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (Jan 2000)
Don't Have Time to Cook
- Nutrition Hotline: What should vegetarians do if they don't cook or don't have time to do so?
Eating Disorders
- Nutrition Hotline: Conduct your own nutritional analyses, learn if vegetarians are more prone to eating disorders, and put dental health worries to rest.
Eating Too Fast
- Nutrition Hotline: Eating too Fast; Hungry Children (Feb 2003)
- Nutrition Hotline: What Does Evidence-Based Mean? (Feb 2021)
Expired Sell-by Dates on Food Packages
- Nutrition Hotline: Is it Safe to Consume Foods with Expired Sell-by Dates? (Aug 2010)
- Nutrition Hotline: Fasting and Coffee and Iron Absorption (July 2001)
Eye Health
- Eating a Variety of Colorful Fruits and Vegetables May Protect Against a Leading Cause of Blindness (Feb 2007)
- Nutrition and the Eye (Nov 1993)
- Nutrition Hotline: Is It Possible to Eat Too Little Fat? (May 1995)
- Nutrition Hotline: The Latest on Saturated Fat (May 2022)
- Nutrition Hotline: Fiber in Whole Wheat Pasta and Labeling Confusion Concerning Protein in Lentils (Feb 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: Omega-3 benefits from flaxseeds when cooked; Vegan versions of Ensure; Vegetarian diets impact on puberty and menstruation (May 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: The Nutritional Value of Flaxseeds (May 2009)
- Increasing Folate Can Help Lead to Fantastic Health (Sept 2000)
Food Allergies
- Nutrition Hotline: Food Allergies (Jan 98)
Food Composition Data
- Nutrition Hotline: Reliable Food Composition Data (Sept 94)
Food Label Disclaimers
- Nutrition Hotline: Food Label Disclaimers (May 2014)
Food Pyramids
- Nutrition Hotline: USDA's Food Pyramid and Vegetarian Diets (May 1993)
Food Safety
- Nutrition Hotline: Food Safety (May 98)
- Nutrition Hotline: Food Safety at a Potluck Meal (Feb 2013)
Fruit and Vegetables
- Reducing Sodium in Food Products; Need to Eat Fruit and Vegetables (Nov 2010)
Gallbladder Removal and Veggie Diets
- Nutrition Hotline: What Does it Mean as Far as Diet/Nutrition if the Gallbladder is Removed? (Aug 2019)
- Nutrition Hotline: Is there any truth to those claims that garlic is good for your health? (Nov 2006)
Gluten-Free Flours
- How Do Gluten-Free Flours Compare Nutritionally to Whole Wheat Flours?; Iron Fortified Foods (Feb 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: Gout and Diet (May 2010)
Hearing and Diet
- Can You Hear Me Now? (August 2024)
Heart Health
- American Heart Association Calls for Eating Fish Twice Per Week - What's a Vegetarian To Do? (Sept 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Does adding fish and fish oils to your diet contribute to heart health? (Feb 2005)
Herbal Supplements
- Nutrition Hotline: Should I Use Herbal Supplements and Which Ones? (Nov 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: Number of Children That Are Vegetarian; Calcium in Greens; Lysine and Arginine and Herpes (Aug 2009)
Hip Fracture
- Nutrition Hotline: Vegan Diets and Risk of Hip Fracture (May 2024)
History of Nutrition Research
- Nutrition Hotline: 35 Years of Nutrition Research (Aug 2017)
History of Vegetarian Food and Nutrition
- 25 Years of Vegetarian Food and Nutrition (Aug 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: 30th Anniversary (Aug 2012)
- Nutrition Hotline: Hypoglycemia and Vegetarian Diets (July 95)
Indian Breads with No Dairy Products
- Nutrition Hotline: Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seeds; Is Gaining Weight on a Vegan Diet Normal?; Indian Breads with No Dairy Products (May 2011)
- Am I Getting Enough Iodine? (August 2024)
Iodized Salt
- Nutrition Hotline: Stability of Iodine in Iodized Salt and Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain (Aug 2013)
Irritable bowel syndrome
- Nutrition Hotline: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Vegan Diets (February 2020)
- Latin American Vegan Foods High in Iron (Feb 2023)
- Soyfoods as a Source of Iron in Diets Devoid of Meat (September 1993)
Iron Absorption
- Nutrition Hotline: Does Drinking Tea Interfere with Iron Absorption? (Aug 2018)
- Nutrition Hotline: Fasting and Coffee and Iron Absorption (July 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin C and Iron Absorption and How to Make Southern Cuisine More Healthful (Nov 2012)
- Nutrition Hotline: Proper Handling of Tofu; How Long is Juice Fresh? (May 2000)
Iron Fortified Foods
- How Do Gluten-Free Flours Compare Nutritionally to Whole Wheat Flours?; Iron Fortified Food (Feb 2009)
Iron Overload
- Nutrition Hotline: Advice on foods to eat when have iron overload (Nov 1999)
Kidney Disease
- Nutrition Hotline: Vegetarianism and kidney disease (Nov 94)
- Eating a Vegetarian Diet While Living with Kidney Disease: Joan Brookhyser, RD, CD, CSR, helps you achieve good nutrition while you maintain your renal health. (May 2004)
Kidney Stones
- Nutrition Hotline: What are kidney stones, and what can I do to minimize my risk? (Aug 2006)
Labeling Products
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy Formula and Labeling Issues Effecting Vegetarians (Sept 1993)
Low Income Families
- Nutrition Hotline: What is the government doing to help low-income vegetarian families? (Nov 2005)
- Updates to USDA's Thrifty Food Plan (Feb 2022)
- Low-Cost Vegan Menus Based on USDA Snap Budget (May 2020)
Low-Sodium Menu
- 10 Ways to Reduce Sodium in Your Diet (Aug 2022)
- Nutrition Hotline: Looking for low-sodium foods and What causes vitamin B12 deficiency? (Sept 1999)
- One-Week Low-Sodium Vegan Menu: Dietetic intern Mark Rifkin considers the advantages of low-sodium diets and designs a meal plan to keep salt intake down. (Nov 2005)
Making Southern Cuisine More Healthful
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin C and Iron Absorption and How to Make Southern Cuisine More Healthful (Nov 2012)
Sourdough Bread Nutritional Advantages
- Nutrition Hotline: Does Sourdough Bread Have Nutritional Advantages (Nov 2021)
- Thinking About Magnesium (August 2024)
McDougall Diet
- McDougalling in Manzanita (May 95)
Meal Plans for Dining Out
- A Sample Vegan Meal Plan if You Are Eating at Restaurant Chains (Aug 2009)
Meal Replacement Shakes
- Nutrition Hotline: Vegan High-Calorie Meal Replacement Shakes (Aug 2015)
Meals You Can Prepare at Home
- Nutrition Hotline: How can convenience foods help create home-cooked meals? (Nov 2007)
Meat-Like Plant Based Burgers
- How do the Newer Meat-like, Plant-based Burgers Compare Nutritionally (Aug 2020)
Meat versus Grains
- Nutrition Hotline: Does Tofu Need to Be Steamed for Infants; Blood Thinners and Vitamin K Containing Foods; and Calories and Nutrients in Meat versus Grains (Nov 2011)
- Nutrition Hotline: The relationship between soy products and menopause, and feeding vegan snacks to a class of preschoolers (Jan 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Dietary Advice for Hot Flashes (May 2013)
- Do I Need to Take a Multi-Vitamin and Mineral in Order to be Healthy? (Feb 2016)
Multivitamin Supplements
- Nutrition Hotline: Should I be taking a Daily Multivitamin Supplement? (Aug 2016)
- Nutrition Hotline: Do Vegetarians Menstruate Later?; Why does the Calcium Content of Foods Vary? (July 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: Omega-3 benefits from flaxseeds when cooked; Vegan versions of Ensure; Vegetarian diets impact on puberty and menstruation (May 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: Planning Menus (Nov 1993)
Nutrition Career
- Nutrition Hotline: Vegetarian Nutrition as a Career Choice (Mar 95)
Nutritional Analyses
- Nutrition Hotline: Conduct your own nutritional analyses, learn if vegetarians are more prone to eating disorders, and put dental health worries to rest. (Feb 2004)
Oil-Free Diet
- Nutrition Hotline: What About an Oil-free Diet? (Nov 2023)
- Nutrition Hotline: About Olestra (May 97)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Nutrition Hotline: Put Fish Facts in Perspective (July 1993)
- Nutrition Hotline: Can the omega-3 fatty acids in fortified foods be vegetarian? (Aug 2005)
- Questions and Answers About Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Vegans (Feb 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: Omega-3 benefits from flaxseeds when cooked; Vegan versions of Ensure; Vegetarian diets impact on puberty and menstruation (May 2007)
Organic Produce
Nutrition Hotline: How to Identify Organic Produce (Nov 2014)
Oxalate in Seitan
- What is the Amount of Oxalate in Seitan? (Aug 2015)
- Preventing Osteoporosis: Building Strong Bones Over a Lifetime: Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, discusses this condition and ways for vegans to keep their skeletons in top shape. (May 2005)
Parkinson's Disease
- Nutrition Hotline: How Much Cholesterol Do I Need?; Parkinson's Disease and Veggie Diets (May 2001)
Pea Milk
- Nutrition Hotline: Nutritional Value of Pea Milk Versus Other Milks (Nov 2018)
- Thinking About Phosphorus (Nov 2024)
Plant Sterols
- Nutrition Hotline: Plant Sterols (Feb 2008)
- What Does Plant-Based Actually Mean? (Nov 2018)
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
- Mutant Vegetarians: Sensational Headlines and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Requirements (Feb 2017)
- Prenatal Supplements for Vegans (Feb 2024)
- Vegan Pregnancy (Jan 97)
- Nutrition Hotline:Choline Supplements During Pregnancy (Aug 2014)
- Nutrition Hotline: Pregnant and Anemia (Aug 2020)
- Nutrition Hotline: The relationship between soy products and menopause, and feeding vegan snacks to a class of preschoolers (Jan 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Should I be Eating Probiotics? Does Frying Chips that Contain Probiotics Kill the Probiotics? (May 2018)
Produce Offers Health Benefits
- Produce Prescriptions Offer Health Benefits (August 2024)
- Nutrition Hotline: How much protein does an older adult need? (May 2012)
- Nutrition Hotline: Fiber in Whole Wheat Pasta and Labeling Confusion Concerning Protein in Lentils (Feb 2007)
- Nutrition Hotline: Gluten-Free Diets and Protein (May 2016)
- Nutrition Hotline: Older People and Protein (Feb 2018)
Raw Foods Diets
- Raw Foods Diets: A Review of the Literature: Suzanne Havala Hobbs discusses the current scientific literature on living foods
Regulating hyperhomocysteinemia through veggie diet
- Regulating hyperhomocysteinemia through veggie diet (Nov 2002)
Recommended Dietary Allowances
- Should the Recommended Dietary Allowances be Revised? (Nov 1993)
Renal Disease
- Menu Selection for Vegan Renal Patients (Nov 2009)
School Nutrition
- Getting Vegan Food into Elementary Schools (Aug 2018)
- VRG Testifies at the USDA's Hearing on School Nutrition (Mar 94)
- Nutrition Hotline: Are flaxseeds and other seeds good to eat? (Feb 2019)
Senior Citizens
- Nutrition Hotline: Older People and Protein (Feb 2018)
- Protein for Older Adults (May 2023)
Skin Health
- Nutrition Hotline: Diet and Skin Health (Aug 2023)
- Reducing Sodium in Food Products; Need to Eat Fruits and Vegetables (Nov 2010)
SNAP Vegan Menus
- Low-Cost Vegan Menus Based on USDA Snap Budget (May 2020)
Soy-Free, Nut-Free Vegan Meal Plan
- A Soy-Free, Nut-Free Vegan Meal Plan (Feb 2011)
Soy Products
- Soyfoods as a Source of Iron in Diets Devoid of Meat (Sept 1993)
- Nutrition Hotline: Digestive Enzyme Development When on Veggie Diet; Do Soybeans Contain Phytates?; Does Increase Animal Protein Intake Lead to More Bone Fractures? (Sept 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy Formula and Labeling Issues Effecting Vegetarians (Sept 1993)
- Nutrition Hotline: Does it matter if beans are cooked or canned? And what's the story with soy? (Nov 2003)
- Does Tofu Need to Be Steamed for Infants; Blood Thinners and Vitamin K Containing Foods; and Calories and Nutrients in Meat versus Grains (Nov 2011)
- Nutrition Hotline: Fortification of Soy Milk (Sept 95)
- Nutrition Hotline: How can I cut down on my spending when I buy soymilk? Is the calcium in fruit juices vegan? What can vegans do to lower their cholesterol? (Feb 2006)
- Nutrition Hotline: Proper Handling of Tofu; How Long is Juice Fresh? (May 2000)
- Nutrition Hotline: The relationship between soy products and menopause, and feeding vegan snacks to a class of preschoolers (Jan 2001)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy and Allergies; Soy and Breast Cancer Risk (Nov 2008)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy to be Added to WIC? (Mar 97)
- Nutrition Hotline: What is tempeh, where can you buy it, and what do you do with it? (May 2006)
- Nutrition Hotline: What kind of calcium is best absorbed from soymilk? Is carrageenan dangerous? Do African-American vegetarians live longer than their meat-eating counterparts? (Aug 2004)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soyfoods and Young Children; How to Gain Weight on Vegan Diet; Sugar in Foods (Feb 2011)
- Nutrition Hotline: What Does it Mean to Eat Less Sugar? (May 2017)
- Nutrition Hotline: Confessions of a Sugar Junkie (March 2011)
Texturized Vegetable Protein (TVP)
- Nutrition Hotline: Processing of texturized vegetable protein (Nov 95)
Trans Fats
- Nutrition Hotline: Why trans fats are bad, where they can hide, and how you can avoid them. (Nov 2003)
Travel Health Tips
- Nutrition Hotline: Healthy Travel Tips (March 2000)
Vegan Food for People on Feeding Tubes
- Vegan Food for People on Feeding Tubes (Feb 2016)
Vegan Food in a Hospital
- Nutrition Hotline: How to Get Vegan Food in a Hospital (Nov 2020)
Vegan Milks
- Higher-Protein Plant Milks (May 2024)
Vegan Processed Foods
- Vegan Processed Food - Embrace or Shun Them? (Feb 2022)
Vegan Protein/Calorie Supplement
- Nutrition Hotline: Omega-3 benefits from flaxseeds when cooked; Vegan versions of Ensure; Vegetarian diets impact on puberty and menstruation (May 2007)
- VRG Nutrition Interns Develop Protein/Calorie Supplement (May 2009)
Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
- Nutrition Hotline: A comparison of vegan and vegetarian diets based on several published studies (Feb 2002)
- Nutrition Hotline: Despite reports to the contrary, vegetarians are healthy: a review of the literature (Aug 2002)
- Nutrition Hotline: Can I Be a Vegetarian Without Liking Vegetables?; Are Potatoes with Greenish Skin Okay? (Feb 2010)
Vitamin A
- How Vegans Obtain Enough Vitamin A to Meet Daily Requirements (Aug 2015)
- The Age of Information is also the Age of Misinformation — Claims Regarding Vegetarianism and Vitamin A (Aug 2015)
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin A Toxicity Question (May 2020)
Vitamin B-12
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin D and Vitamin B-12 (Sept 98)
- Nutrition Hotline: Looking for low-sodium foods and What causes vitamin B12 deficiency? (Sept 1999)
- Injectable Vitamin B12 (May 2014)
- Which Nutritional Yeast Delivers the Vitamin B12 You Need? (Aug 2020)
- Nutrition Hotline: Do Vegans Have to Take Vitamin B12 Supplements? (Nov 2015)
Vitamin C
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin C and Iron Absorption and How to Make Southern Cuisine More Healthful (Nov 2012)
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin C in Freshly Squeezed Juices (Nov. 2013)
- Nutrition Hotline: Looking for low-sodium foods and What causes vitamin B12 deficiency? (Sept 1999)
Vitamin D
- FAQs About Vitamin D (May 2009)
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin D and Vitamin B-12 (Sept 98)
Vitamin E
- Nutrition Hotline: About beta-carotene and Vitamin E (Jan 95)
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin E and Weight Gain Needed (Jul 94)
Vitamin K
- Nutrition Hotline: Does Tofu Need to Be Steamed for Infants; Blood Thinners and Vitamin K Containing Foods; and Calories and Nutrients in Meat versus Grains (Nov 2011)
Weight Gain
- Nutrition Hotline: Vitamin E and Weight Gain Needed (Jul 94)
- Nutrition Hotline: Gaining Weight on a Vegetarian Diet (May 2002)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soyfoods and Young Children; How to Gain Weight on Vegan Diet; Sugar in Foods (Feb 2011)
- Nutrition Hotline: Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seeds; Is Gaining Weight on a Vegan Diet Normal?; Indian Breads with No Dairy Products (May 2011)
- Nutrition Hotline: Stability of Iodine in Iodized Salt and Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain (Aug 2013)
Weight Loss
- Nutrition Hotline: Are low-carbohydrate diets a good way to lose weight? (May 2004)
- Nutrition Hotline: Weight Loss (May 2008)
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children Program)
- Nutrition Hotline: Soy to be Added to WIC? (Mar 97)
- Nutrition Hotline: WIC Program and Farmers' Markets (May 2015)
- Nutrition Hotline: WIC Program Updates (Nov 2024)
- Thinking About Zinc (Aug 2023)
Index to Articles