The Vegetarian Resource Group in the News

VRG's My Vegan Plate was featured in Baltimore's Child magazine alongside a positive article titled "Kids Eat the Darndest Things: Vegetarianism is Growing Among Youth."

On their updated Vegetarian Nutrition Resource List, the USDA Food and Nutrition Information Center included The Vegetarian Resource Group and gave a link to our Veganism in a Nutshell information.

VEGAN Outreach

Vegetarian Resource Group Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, spoke on Vegetarian Diets in Pregnancy and Lactation at the Partners in Perinatal Health Conference in Norwood, MA. She also gave a presentation entitled 'No Meat: No Problem - Working with Clients/Patients Who Are, Or Who Want To Be Vegetarians/Vegans,' to the Western Massachusetts Dietetic Association. She spoke further and more in-depth about Vegetarian Diets in the Lifecycle to the Delaware Dietetic Association.

VRG Co-Director Charles Stahler and Managing Editor Debra Wasserman spoke at the Natural Products Expo East on "Growth of the Vegan Market - Meeting the Needs of Your Vegan Customers."