Note from the Coordinators

Supporting Young Vegans

Often, when longtime vegetarians come by our outreach booths, they say they know it all. Then it seems that, when they are ready to have a vegan baby, they go scouring for information. It's like teenagers who know it all until they are out of the house and taking care of all their own needs. It's different when you bear full responsibility.

For over 35 years, we're glad to have supported young vegetarians and vegans. Thank you to Ashley Kerckhoff, B.S., who wrote a piece about feeding toddlers found on page 11. You may also want to read our popular brochure Vegan Nutrition in Pregnancy and Childhood written by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, at

Of course, sandwiches and pizza are always favorites for kids of all ages. As chef Nancy Berkoff said, "Several years ago, this author had the opportunity to help coordinate the meals being offered to an international gathering of Tibetan monks and nuns. Their most requested food? Pizza!" See page 6 for pizza recipes and page 14 for sandwich ideas.

For the older kids, see our video contest winners on page 28 and Laneece Hurd's article Vegan Meals for College Students on page 26.

As children, many of us grew up with Campbell's, which was a symbol of "All-American" food. Recently, the Campbell Soup Company said they plan to withdraw from the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which no longer represents their interests, particularly their commitment to transparency in the food industry and their desire to become "the leading health and well-being food company." Campbell's has purchased organic and/or natural foods type companies Plum Organics, Bolthouse Farms, Garden Fresh Gourmet, and Pacific Foods, so the concept of what is "good food" is certainly changing. Thank you to all our staff, members, readers, and supporters who are part of this evolution.

Welcome to Ginny Slothour-Hudnall, our new Volunteer Coordinator. Recently, we enjoyed visits from Amory Fischer, a 2013 Vegetarian Resource Group scholarship winner, and two University of Maryland students, who were here as part of a college career day. Thank you also for recent assistance from Heather Gorn, who volunteered with us while she was in middle school and high school and then while obtaining her master's degree. As the last few months have been a hectic time, Keryl Cryer, who was our previous Senior Editor for about ten years, came back to assist and was a godsend in completing this issue and the previous issue of Vegetarian Journal.

Thank you to all generations working for a better world.

Debra Wasserman & Charles Stahler
Coordinators of The Vegetarian Resource Group